Waste treatment plant operators and planners are often looking for a process whereby composting takes place under reduced odour and controlled procedures.
Especially in densely populated areas this is essential. But also, in the remediation of different batches of contaminated soil, the process conditions must be such that reinfection of the material can be avoided. If the problems mentioned above are familiar and you are looking for a solution, then the LANE TURNER LT series for lane composting will certainly be able to assist you.
Lane Turners are used for composting and biological drying of organic-rich fractions such as household or organic waste, as well as in the composting of sewage sludge or contaminated soil remediation. Depending on the lane width (4.5 to 5 metres), turning rates of up to 2,000 m³ per hour can be achieved. Material can be processed with the lane turners in a continuous or a batch process.
The turners for channel composting can be integrated into new as well as existing waste treatment plants. Different models of the LT series can be utilised depending on the system capacity and spatial conditions. In planning of your own particular waste management in lanes, the LANE TURNER team of experts will pleased to assist you with advice and active support.