In order to ensure optimal performance of the ecocure, the tow bar should be level to the ground. The ecocure should thus be connected to the hitch of the riding mower with the correct tow bar height. That is why there is an extensive series of heights provided for the tow bar. The lever to activate the top dresser can be adjusted to bring it within reach of the sitting position of the driver.
A container fi lled with material to be spread (e.g. sand) represents a significant weight. In order to reduce pressure and resistance on the belt conveyor, one can place a grille in the container which helps to restrain the weight.
Just behind the roller is an axle mounted with 32 spikes which prick through the top layer of the lawn’s soil to a maximum depth of 8 cm. This aeration roller consists of two parts. When making turns, there is a differential action between the spikes in the inner and outer turn.
When top dressing a sports fi eld it is essential that the filler is evenly and equally distributed and that the correct fl ow of spreading material can be set. one must select the appropriate dosage supply of the ecocure in function of the characteristics of the material to be spread.
B. filling material with regular structure
With filling material such as sand, powdered lime, granulated lime, bloodmeal... one has particles of the same shape and size. In this case one selects the plastic guillotine slide to regulate the outflow opening.