Although the concept of a self-propelling shredder, which allows you to get to the back of the garden and process the cutting waste on site, offers an ideal solution for many garden contractors, for another large group of gardeners this added flexibility does not imply added value because they have a different work area. Especially for this group, Eliet recently developed a Super Prof Max on a chassis for fast transportation purposes.
The Super Prof MAX blow chute is a fine example of engineering. Its shape prevents turbulence and the design of the curve was based on the optimal trajectory of the fl ying chips. As a result the machine
has phenomenal propelling capacity. The choice for synthetics as the material for the blow chute was a very deliberate one: it is seamless, corrosion resistant, perfectly smooth and sound absorbing. Its low air resistance makes the chute less inclined to clog. The blow chute has a discharge height of 2 m - 8ft and a rotation span of 300°.
The blow-out level of the Super Prof MAX is at 2 m - 8 ft. An important asset, as it allows you to blow the chips from any possible location to where you want to deposit them. To make sure that the height does not pose a problem for transport, the chute can be collapsed onto the machine and clamped in place. Its height is thus reduced to 1.45 m – 4.75 ft.
Here, the shredder is fixed onto a galvanized and spring loaded trailer. Other than that, the Super Prof MAX ON ROAD has the same properties and features as the selfdriving model. The trailer does not add any disadvantages in terms of maintenance either.