Widely used for the rootstock stage of propagating fruit and nut trees.
Trays can also be stacked when filled with 90mm (3.5”) Ellepots.
Tray size: 267 x 533mm
→ Tray height: 129.1 mm
→ Cell height: 90 mm
Ideally suited to mechanisation in both traditional nurseries & modern, automated greenhouses.
The Air trays® are designed to provide young plants with optimal air circulation, drainage and create the best possible conditions for great air pruning of the root system.
•Provides optimal air-circulation and drainage
•Prevents circling and girdling of roots
•Produces great quality plants
•Lightweight but strong, open design keeps part cost low and shipping costs down
•Developed for improved production efficiency, automation and optimized handling
•Large number of trays can be moved at once using pot forks