MacView DCS Gas Analyser
Techincal specifications
-CS Automatic for the best fruit quality
-Storing fruit at the lowest O2 level will provide the best fruit quality (source: FBR Wageningen)
-Better firmness, better shelf life compared to CA
-DCS Automatic is an alternative for DPA
-Maximum reduction of scald, skin spots and pit rot
-Non chemical treatment
-Natural ripening after storage, better taste!!
-Better appearance of the product
-DCSTM represents a quality label
-Guarantees on freshness and quality can be realized on a better way
-DCS can be used as an alternative for smartfresh / or be used in combination with smartfresh
-Red delicoius: Reducing scald - Preservering the firmness excellent - Better taste - Fresher appearance - Consumers do appreciate the apples better - DCS against age decay and flesh brown - Possible detection of decay
-Select a good marker for the lowest oxygen threshold were fermentation will start
-Respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H20 +energy/volatiles
-Fermentation: C6H12O6 -> 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2+energy/volatiles
-The production of ethanol is a direct marker for the start of fermentation
-“Ethanol is the only known direct marker for fermentation”
( Jan Verschoor Senior CA researcher WUR Wageningen)
-For this reason we develop the ‘DCS Automatic’ system for measuring the start of ethanol production by fruits during a O2 pull down in steps