MacView Ethylene Analyser for flowerbulb storage
General information
Ethylene (ISO name Ethene) coming from sour flower bulbs is very harmfull for flower bulbs during the period of preservation. To high concentrations Ethylene can lead to gumming, loss of weight, separation of the flower bulbs and flower drying out. Out of fear for Ethylene one often ventilates more than necessary. This costs a lot of energy and leads to drying out of the flower bulbs.
The new MACView® Ethylene Analyser for flowerbulbs is capable of accurate and reliable measuring of Ethylene, even at extreme low concentrations. Through interfacing the Ethylene signal to the computer of the storage, Ethylene values are measured central in the storage and the ventilation valve is activated when needed. Due to this there is no more ventilation than needed. At the same time energy is saved and loss of quality prevented. During storage and afterwards with one push on the button the history of the Ethylene values of a storage can be visualised. This information is very valuable for the guarantee of a high quality storage. The MACView® Ethylene Analyser for flowerbulbs pays itself back within a couple of years only through the energy saving. Added to this are the financial advantages of a guaranteed storage with save Ethylene values and minimal loss of weight.