Very unique grain bagger D-9 has bagging capacity 180-250 tons per hour in dry grain and is most powerfull grain bagger suitable for 100-160 HP tractors. We have designed this machine together with our friends from company FARMMAC AB from Sweden.
Our technology is under concept GRAIN SAVER.
Grain bagger is low-cost machine with big filling hopper which is able to recieve grain from big grain carts but it can be filled-up by front loaders of agri-telescopic loaders. For smooth filling we recommend to use 2 grain carts GS 24,5 to increse daily bagging capacity.
Machine has 2,7m (9ft) tunnel and you can fill bags with length 60,75,90 or even 120m long bags. There you can storage 200 tons of dry grain to 60m long bag or 250 tons of dry grain to 75m long bag. With combination of extracting machine Koyker which is suitable for extracting to both sides (right and left) you can achieve storage capacity till 10.000 tons per 1 hectar.