The Vidium plough is especially suitable for ploughing with basic soil processing with vertical mixing of the soil profile.
Ploughing with the Vidium plough totally covers plant residues and thus prevents expansion of fungal infection Fusarium in the soil. By doing this, it is an effective alternative to the depth processing. It significantly improves compacted and wet soils and revitalization of headlands after harvest. Accelerates the decomposition process of organic parts of the soil and release of nutrients. Effectively disposes weeds and pests. With the subsoiler it is used for deep loosening of subsoil layer without risk of mixing with the biologically inactive soil. With additional (packer) roller enables soil levelling with the clods processing.
Greatest benefits of our solution:
- the soil is processed in the whole profile up to the depth of 35 cm
- excellent incorporation of plant residues
- high quality of work even in wet areas and slopes
- powerful swivel ploughs with rich optional equipment
- practical building system
- massive frame, up to 13 ploughing bodies