Rollblitz small for hazelnuts, acorns, almonds, pistachios, olives and various seeds.
The Rollblitz small is suitable for small objects from 1 to max. 2.5 cm diameter like hazelnuts. With the Rollblitz, ball-shaped objects can be collected with great ease. Simply drive over the ground and the fruits are in the wire basket. Thanks to its high-quality processing, the Rollblitz has an extremely high service life. The extremely stable steel of the wires (2,000 N/mm²) ensures very good storage.
This collection device is made in cooperation with mentally and physically limited persons. The Rollblitz small is available with a wood or telescopic rod.
•wire basket adapts to the surface and the objects to be picked up; this prevents leaves from being picked up
•the wire basket can be exchanged with a telescopic rod
•time and effort saving picking
•no more bending
•quality made in Germany
•manufactured by people with physical and mental limitations
•suitable for ball-shaped objects of 1 to 2.5 cm diameter
•stable emptying bracket
•robust triangular bracket on wire ball