The BED FORMER AND PLASTIC FILM FIXER FI-DSRPM/1/HID(6D) is an innovative equipment developed by FIALHO & IRMÃO, LDA. It has been specially designed for the formation of beds in asparagus, horticultural, and fruit crops.
One of the main features of this equipment is its versatility. It allows for the creation of different types of FF beds. Additionally, the shape of the tunnel, which determines the bed's form, can be CUSTOMIZED according to the specific needs of the customer. This allows the machine to be adapted to meet the particular demands of each user.
The BED FORMER AND PLASTIC FILM FIXER FI-DSRPM/1/HID(6D) is also capable of simultaneously performing the operation of locating the plastic film and the irrigation tube or belt. Even when the irrigation tube is already installed, the equipment features a special device that retrieves the tube from the ground and repositions it after the machine passes, without causing any issues.
As an option, the equipment can be equipped with a noticeable lateral displacement and can simultaneously place two irrigation tubes. This provides greater efficiency and flexibility during the crop management process.
Furthermore, the BED FORMER AND PLASTIC FILM FIXER FI-DSRPM/1/HID(6D) also performs maintenance operations on existing beds, ensuring their preservation and allowing for prolonged use.