Germination Vision System
The Germination Vision System is a low-treshold form of automation giving you considerable savings in labour costs and substantial quality improvements. You receive an insight into the cultivation results and are constantly supplied with the most accurate grading results. Furthermore, it is also possible to remove plants that have not germinated or that are too small (with the optional air unit).
It has been demonstrated that nurseries already using this system have been able to recover their investment within a single season! In order to provide you with the most suitable solution, we make a distinction between two types of system. These are the PM21 (basic model) and the PM31 (top model). The PM21 has been developed principally for bedding plant nurseries. The PM31 is for germination grading for plant breeders and (with an optional air unit) for (fruit) vegetable nurseries.
Uniform grading and detailed data collection of plants with Aris vision software
Direct insight into growing results on the touchscreen display (data can be downloaded)
Conversion to a differtent tray size is rapid and simple
Substantial labour-savings and quality improvements
Optional: Pop-out-unit to eliminate bad plants
Capacity up to 600 trays per hour