Your silage is an important foundation for a good profit. A silage shear grab has to give you a nice cut surface, has to cut easily with a minimum of air penetrating your silage, and you have to be able to enjoy it for many years. The new range of silage shear grabs from Flingk is designed with a view to quality and durability. The pivot points are flexible. In combination with the well advised construction, this ensures that the pivot points are not susceptible to tearing. For the heavy cylinders the same flexible pivot points are used.
The front knives of the grab are easaly replacable.
The sharply milled Hardox side and bottom knives are sharp milled will cut effortlessly trough the silage. You can choose a closed bucket or a bucket with tines. The advantage of a closed bucket is that you spill less and can also load other loose products. With a toothed bucket it is possible to push the shear grab easier into the silage.
The Flingk KHS is the smalles model in the series of silage shear grabs. It is a lightweight shear grab for the smaller segment of wheel loaders, telehandlers and front loaders up to 7 tonnes. The small grab height and grab depth make the shear grab very suitable for tractor mounted front loaders. The silage shear grab can be implemented with a closed bucket or with tines