Pasteurized colostrum for optimum protection from the very beginning
Turn optimum colostrum management into your work routine: The compact Pasteur ColostroMAT gently heats the colostrum filled into ColostroBAGs in a water bath and pasteurizes it reliably and effectively within 60 minutes. While germs are killed directly by the pasteurization, the essential antibodies are retained and can be absorbed even better by the calves – For optimum protection from the very beginning!
The strong Pasteur for your colostrum bank
The creation of a colostrum bank is an effective step for ensuring that you will be able to provide your calves with pasteurized and thus optimally prepared first milk immediately after birth. After milking, test the colostrum for quality, fill good colostrum into the practical ColostroBAGs and pasteurize it with the ColostroMAT – The germ-free colostrum can then be frozen and stored for up to six months long. A deep-frozen ColostroBAG from the colostrum bank can already be thawed in the ColostroMAT and brought up to the optimum feeding temperature while a birth is taking place – This will ensure that you will be able to feed your new arrivals immediately with pasteurized colostrum and to create the best foundation possible for a healthy life!
The ColostroMAT – Best results with low labor outlays
The ColostroMAT is stable, compact and easy to operate. The automatic control of all processes, from pasteurization to cooling, heating and cleaning simplifies your colostrum- management – So that you can achieve the best results with low outlays.