The Bacchimeter device: A connected sensor to measure the true ripeness.
Thanks to its non-destructive and geolocated measurement of anthocyanins, the Bacchimeter sensor makes it possible to provide, in a simple and fast way, the essential information which is the phenolic maturity, directly at the plot.
The unit proposed by Bacchimeter is AP (Anthocyanins Potential). The AP unit included between 0 and 100, is proportional to the amount of anthocyanins contained in the skin of grape berry.
The AP unit can be analyzed according to 2 variables:
A temporal variable: Thanks to the information of average, it is possible to monitor the trajectory of maturation over time of the parcel
A spatial variable: Thanks to a mapping information, it is possible to identify the homogeneous areas within a parcel.
A real tool to help harvesting grapes, Bacchimeter will accompany the winemaker in:
- the determination of an optimum harvesting date
- the scheduling of parcels / areas to be harvested according to their precocity
- Tasting berries
- selective harvesting
- the characterization of the behavior of the plot / vineyard according to the vintage.
The results can be consulted immediately on a smartphone or via our web platform
The Bacchimeter: A new method of vineyard management in real time !