FLOC SUPERIEUR is a fiber-rich concentrate for rearing WB-calves. When early providing small amounts of this tasty and fiber-rich concentrate, the rumen movement and fermentation is encouraged. This causes better development of the forestomach and rumen papillae.
FLOC SUPERIEUR includes spelt which provides the necessary fiber applicator and stimulation of the rumen wall. In addition it contains corn and barley flakes, which are highly digestible.
FLOC SUPERIEUR is a specially designed concentrate to feed WB-calves until the age of 12 weeks, next to WB START SUPERIEUR. This concentrate contains sufficient energy and high quality proteins to ensure proper growth and development of a young WB-calf, next to our milk powder.
FLOC SUPERIEUR contains the optimal amount of minerals and trace elements (Ca, P, Na, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and Se) and is very well vitaminized (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, D3, E and H) for a very good growth and development of a young WB-calf. Moreover, this concentrate is enriched with organic selenium for good resistance, living yeast for proper digestion, gut flora stabilizers for good intestinal health and a clostridium inhibitor.
FLOC SUPERIEUR is specially developed to feed young WB-calves next to artificial milk. It should be fed ad libitum to young WB-calves from 4 days after birth until weaning age.