Root growth stimulator
AMM N° 1030003
approved for use in organic agriculture
-Optimizes nutrition and growth
-Optimizes water and mineral absorption
-Improves productions
-Preventive and curative
-Free from any toxicological classification.
Certified on any type of crop, at the rate of 5 to 20 l/ha per application (1 to 16 applications per growing cycle according to each crop).
Thoroughly shake the bottle before use.
Store away from frost and heat.
Instructions for use: Osiryl must always be diluted in the watering or treating water.
Either by drip irrigation or sprinkling OSIRYL is applied at the end of the irrigation cycle and at a concentration of 2 ‰, at a dose of 5 to 10 l/ha.
In spraying, OSIRYL is applied in a minimum water volume of 200 l/ha in rainy conditions or followed by watering, from 10 to 20 l/ha.
Flowerbeds: at planting, at growing period (reactivation of flowering) and under stress (low temperature, frost, intense heat…).
Window boxes – flower boxes and containers: reactivation of seedlings, improvement of nutrition for plants at their growing stage and under stressful conditions (strong thermal amplitudes …), reactivation of root systems.
Trees – shrubs: at planting diluted in watering water and at growing period. Stress condition, lack of nutritional reserves. Sports grounds: for the recovery of lawns, subject to heavy wear conditions (uprooting/scalping, heavy pounding …) at the end of winter. Recovery after stress (low temperatures …).