The concrete structure design life is taken to be 40 years in accordance with BS8007 (Design of Concrete Structures for Retaining Aqueous Liquids).
Factors of Safety have been introduced into the design process in accordance with BS8110 (Structural Use of Concrete) and BS6349 (Design of Maritime Structures).
All materials used in the construction of the SeaMate are specially selected for their suitability for use in the hostile marine environment in which a SeaMate will operate.
Proven to operate successfully in some of the most hostile waters possible
Silo capacity: 200 Tonne (nominal) / 250 Tonne (nominal)
Length: 14 metres
Breadth: 10.5 metres
Structure: Base slab minimum of 400mm thick. Outer walls are 300mm thick. Partition walls 200mm thick. Both decks are 180mm thick.
Construction: Steel Reinforced Concrete