iNTELFLOW is designed to sense the level of milk in the receiving can via a stainless steel float and the milk pump speed is then adjusted accordingly.
As the level rises the pump will ramp up in speed and as the level drops the pump will ramp down in speed.
It can be customized to individual installations by adjusting the ramp up and ramp down settings for the various fluid levels; it can also be configured with different settings for wash and milk. This means it can ramp up and down slowly during the milk cycle and rapidly up and down during the wash.
Key Features
•Programmable ramp up & down, and timers
•Different settings for wash & milk
•More efficient cooling and filtration
•Smooth, consistent delivery of milk to the bulk milk tank
Key Benefits
•Efficiency of the cooler and filter is increased by providing a more consistent flow of milk.
•The iNTELFLOW will also perform a controlled shutdown where it pumps out the remaining milk in the receiver.
System Features
Milk Mode Critical High Time - The time in seconds from the float reaching the top stopper of the float stem before giving an output of 100%.
Milk Mode Critical Low Time - The time in seconds from the float reaching the bottom stopper of the float stem before ramping the pump down to stop.
Milk Mode Minimum Speed - Sets the minimum speed that the pump will operate at in a percentage of pump speed.
Milk Mode Maximum Speed - Sets the maximum speed that the pump will operate at in a percentage of pump speed.
Milk Low to Mid Increase in Speed - Sets the speed at which the pump will start ramping at in a percentage per second of pump speed.