The Genafloat® is a durable floating cover for water reservoirs which prevents algae growth. The cover is made of Aquatex® EX and has the dimensions of the bottom size of the water reservoir. The cover smoothes any choppiness on the surface of the water and reduces the evaporation area by 80-90%. This is a high-quality solution that will allow you to guarantee excellent water quality for many years.
The Genafloat® is an excellent long term answer for covering water reservoirs to prevent algae growth and reduce wave formation. The storage capacity of the water reservoir is used to maximum effect and the water quality is maintained.
The Genafloat® is constructed of double-sided coated fabric into the base dimensions and shape of the reservoir. This cover, suitable for rainwater reservoirs in horticulture, is available in an open and semi-closed design. For a new construction, the semi-closed system is usually chosen as it also keeps out leaves and other debris. Existing reservoirs are usually fitted with the open model. Rainwater which falls onto the cover will enter the lagoon through small dewatering holes which will prevent accumulation of water on top of the cover.
Technical data
• Cover: Genatex® PE 300
• EPS foam floaters for increased buoyancy
• Open or semi-closed system
• Fixed with elastic cords to either the crown or the outside of the dike
• Water inlet hoses with bank protection