Surveyor kit: SurPAD application for stake-out, accurate area measurement, for your tablet/smartphone with GM RTK receiver is a kit for working with absolute coordinate accuracy (stake-out, area, distance, point setting). The GM RTK receiver is used to improve the sensitivity and quality of the satellite signal. You will be able to independently and with high accuracy measure the area of fields of any shape, measure distances, create electronic maps, stake-out, survey, cut out unproductive areas and many other operations with the area.
GNSS receiver GM RTK is a new dual-frequency (L1, L2) 184-channel RTK receiver with an antenna that operates simultaneously with several satellite systems and accepts corrections in the RTCM 3.X.X format. This receiver is designed to work with any software.
The GM RTK receiver provides centimeter accuracy, has a highly sensitive geodetic level antenna that securely holds the signal even in urban conditions. Rover means that this device can be used as a portable receiver. The presence of two frequencies L1 and L2 provides a high level of accuracy and initialization time - the time required for the receiver to obtain a solution when operating in RTK mode. This will allow you to focus completely on your work, as you can always be sure of the reliability of your equipment.