Calf Gear Tools Make Calf Feeding Better and Easier
Successful calf raising doesn’t happen by accident. You have to plan for it and manage for it. Great calf people need great tools to do the job you expect of them. At Golden Calf Company, we take pride in developing high-quality tools that are designed for great calf rearing.
Stainless Steel Tube Feeder
As we all know it is not always possible to feed the calf with a nipple. Whatever the reason may be whether the calf is not able to suckle or whether the calf manager has had many calves in a short period time, we offer an esophageal tube feeder. This tube feeder is made of stainless steel, which makes it easy to clean. While plastic tube feeders are prone to scuff marks due to frequent use, our stainless steel tube feeder prevents calves’ throats from scratching.
Stainless Steel Tube Feeder
The smallest tube feeder tip on the market enables safe and easy tube feeding, while the large inside opening allows for fast flow of colostrum. Stainless steel is resistant to scratching thus preventing the calf’s throat from damage and limiting bacterial growth. It is also easier to sanitize than plastic.
Quick Shut-off
Easily turn the flow of colostrum on or off just with your thumb. This gives you time to properly insert the tube feeder prior to starting the flow of colostrum, thus preventing the calf from aspirating it. Wide shield helps the calf relax and makes it easier to maintain correct tube feeder depth.
Easy Cleaning
Green handle slides down for quick access to the stop mechanism. Easy opening makes regular cleaning and maintenance simple.