Connected device for ambiant temperature, humidity, CO2, light & presence measurement
HummBox Room Monitor is connected device to monitor continuously CO2, ambiant temperature, humidity, light and presence.
Temperature connected sensor
•Measurement range : -20 to 85°C
•Precision : ± 0,2°C
Humidity connected sensor
•Measurement range : 0 to 100%
•Functional range : -20 to +70°C
•Precision : 2%
CO2 connected sensor
•Measurement range: 0 to 5000 ppm
•Precision : ± 50 ppm
•Functional range: 0 to +50°C
Light connected sensor
•Measurement range: 0.01 lux to 83 k.lux
PIR connected sensor
•Zone: pyramid base of 14,8m x 11,3m, on 5 m high
•LPWAN: Sigfox or Lora
•External antenna
User interaction
•Button for on-site configuration and instant measurement
•Audio feedback for interactions
Box and mounting
•Mouting options : screw, velcro strips, wall power plug
•Size: 120 x 80 x 33 mm
•Weight: 140 g
Autonomy and measurement frequency
Measurement frequency can be managed over the cloud from once a day to 144 times per day (every 10 minutes)
Battery C
•12 years for 2 measures per day
•7 years for 12 measures per day
Smart frequency mode increases battery life time adapting the frequency to the dynamic of the physical paramater monitored.
For example, in standard case, the autonomy can be increased from 2 years to 4.5 years.
•External power supply : 9-24 Volts, 220 Volts
•Can be coupled with HummBox actuator to control heating and ventilation