Spearhead Destroyer 200 used in forest areas to cut trees with a trunk diameter of up to 20cm. The machine has a working width of 2.0 m and works above ground.
- Young forrest
- Common
- Forrest roads
- Meadows
- Orchards
- Fallow
- Christmas tree crops
The Destroyer is mounted in the tractor three-point linkage, where you can go forwards and backwards over the trees and bushes. Behind the machine is a powerful beam that is used to knock down the trees, which are then chopped by the sharp blades.
In younger cultures, like "harvested" Christmas tree plantations, the surviving trees and stumps would often be mowed in a forward direction. If the trees are older - up to 20-25 cm thick, then mow backwards whereby the large trees are first pressed down, after which they enter the machine's blades which will then shread it.
A 150 HP - PTO driven gearbox distributes the power from the tractor to the 3 free-swinging massive spring steel blades, that cushes the material with great force. The blades weighing 10 kg each, are designed as axes and are pivoted at a rate of 5000 m/min. The cutting is performed with a very low power requirements, but a remarkable result.
Heavy protection chains mounted both front and rear of the machine reduces the danger of flying particles. However, we recommend keeping a safe distance when working. The Destroyer with a 2.0 m. working width is built extremely strong, the weight of over 1400 kg speak for itself.