Surface levelling, sowing depth
It is cheaper and more profitable on any cultivated plot if plants are grown at the same time. For perfect plant emergence, perfect levelling is required. The Tetra allows you to level, smooth and re-consolidate the soil in a single pass.
Germination requires a seed depth which is deep enough to prevent the seed drying out but shallow enough to ensure a high rate of emergence and good plant density.
Soil-seed contact
To germinate, the seed must absorb a large amount of water. Once it has swollen, it will be able to live on its reserves while it waits for leaves and moves on to photosynthesis.
Access to water will be through soil contact. If soil clods are too coarse, the seed can’t get to it easily. Crumbling reduces the presence of obstacles to lifting and porosity provides access to water and oxygen.
Superficial crumbling
In order to have small clods on the surface and the fine soil underneath, you can adjust the degree of refinement in different positions on the machine.
In non crusting soil, the maximum degree of refinement and the best soil-seed contact possible is needed while avoiding rapid drying. The choice of ploughing depth also depends on pedo-climatic risks (crusting, dry conditions, etc.) during the germination and emergence phases.