The easy-to-pull alternative to the cultivator
Double the ground coverage
The SuperMaxx with 5 m working width requires the same amount of traction force as
a 3-metre cultivator. Depending on the type of soil, 100 to 140 bhp is sufficient to run the
machine. What is more, the SuperMaxx saves 40% of the turning time on headland.
Fuel consumption cut by half
Thanks to the flat and finely-crumbled processing of the soil, only 5 l/ha diesel is required and therefore less energy is needed.
Heavy cultivators need heavy rollers
A large amount of soil is moved by the cultivator tines and large amounts of energy are consumed. The subsequent crumbling and re-compaction carried out by the rollers requires additional force.
A working depth of only one centimetre deeper means that 150 tonnes more soil must be moved per hectare.
Stimulate germination of volunteer cereals
In the first pass, consisting of even stubble processing to a depth of 3 to 5 cm, the
capillaries are broken, fine tilth created and the straw is incorporated into the soil.
At the same time, straw is dispersed more evenly by the harrow.
As a result, volunteer cereals and weed seeds are shaken at the root and gently worked into
the soil. The microclimate under the cover of the straw retains moisture in the soil and
creates the ideal germination conditions andfor complete development.