Hydraulic Lift, Trailed Type, Offset GOBLE DISC HARROW
Trailing type offset disc harrows with hydraulic lift, are machines used to cleaning up plant residues (corn, sunflower, wheat etc.) and weed; and to break duff layer.
It prepares the field directly for planting after the harvest by harrowless cultivating without using any other agricultural machine in dry seasons where ploughs can not enter to the field and it may also be used for cultivation of extremely wet soil.
It prevents wind and water erosion while ploughing the stubble due to the movement with hydraulic system and having multidirectional movement capacity. It provides the wheel to move on field level by the axle mechanism on the wheel and thereby working depth may be adjusted efficiently.
Raw materials that are used prepared for production after all audits and tests have been made and quality materials are used
It is a machine whose usage and settings are very easy by means of its design.
It can be produced as two types of chassis as normal and big upon request.