Durable, precise concentrate dosator in the milking shed or in the concentrate feeding box
This concentrate dosing system with its revolutionary design guarantees more calm in the stable, quicker milking sessions and lower concentrate consumption. The PipeFeeder fits in perfectly with the dairy farmers' target of lower concentrate costs.
Robust and noise-free
The great advantage of the PipeFeeder over other dosing units is that it does its job in silence. The PipeFeeder is noiseless and compact, because of the unique 3- in-1 concept (storage, dispenser and fall pipe). Through the unique working of the feeder, the fall height is decreased to a minimum and therefore feed drops directly into the manger. The PipeFeeder is virtually noise-free and there is less dust.
Non-spilling feeder
The PipeFeeder non-spilling dosing unit ensures, that cows will no longer bump the dispenser. The stock of feed is located in the robust stainless steel pipe of the dosing unit along with an ingenious dosing system that can accurately release quantities as 50 grams, depending on the chosen system. This means your cows get exactly the amount of concentrate they need to let down their milk. More and more dairy farmers are recognising the urgent need to respond to rising concentrate costs, and precise feeding in the milking stall meets this need. The PipeFeeder excels in durability, simplicity and precision.