Look through valve TAURUS, without obstacles on the pipeway, manufacturen in fiberglass polyamide. Available flanged and threaded coupling. Integrated shut – off valve. Low pressure loss and really high KV.
Free flow valve
TAURUS hidaulic valve could be configured as follows: pressure reducer, pressure sustainer, electrovalve…
TAURUS valves ranges from DN40 to DN 100.
Hydraulic membrane or diaphragm valve.
•Hidroconta’s Taurus valve is designed with a Y-shape for a high flow rate capacity, maintaining very low pressure losses. The operation of the Taurus hydraulic valve is based on the use of the circulating fluid’s energy, opening and closing the membrane with the pressure injected by the water into the valve’s body chamber.
Built-in manual valve.
•The Taurus hydraulic valve is built into the body, featuring a manual valve to open and close it directly, with no need for additional accessories, such as three-way valves.
Low load losses and high KV.
•The body of the Taurus valve is manufactured in glass fibre reinforced polyamide, with very low load losses, since this is a free-flow valve with no obstacles, also eliminating the possible effects of pressure surges caused in the pipe.
Made out of plastic
•Taurus is a very light unit, since it is manufactured in glass fibre reinforced polyamide, including its built-in manual valve. In addition, the pilot lights provide additional functions and these can also be manufactured in this material.
Opened at very low pressures.
•Due to the hydrodynamic design of the valve body, the Taurus valve operates at a very low pressure, so it can regulate very low flow rates with a high accuracy.