The Deméter Web platform is a user interface that is accessible from any device with internet access, allowing you to view data on a network and take any necessary actions on water installations.
User management
Deméter Web software allows new users to be easily registered by entering their details, username and password, in addition to their system access level.
Displaying searches
The Deméter Web platform includes a synoptic map that shows all of the elements for which the user has permissions. On this screen you can see the general status of a system or as many devices as you want, at a glance. By clicking on the icons at each site, you can view further details about each item.
Creating and displaying alarms
On the application, each user can configure their own alarms according to the assets linked to the website; valves, water meters, sensors, etc. Here you will be able to view the alarms that are active for your installation and edit them.
On the dashboard you can see all of the information about an element and each of its subsidiary elements, along with its reports, graphs and alarms. You can change its settings in a quick, user-friendly way. The dashboard contains:
•Map: Shows the GPS position of the terminal on a map in Google Maps.
•Last communication: Using a timestamp, it shows the last time communication was received from the terminal in question; you can force a communication by clicking on it.
•Battery, Solar Panel, RSSI GPRS: These show a graphical representation of the relevant values for battery voltage, solar panel voltage and GPRS coverage.