Chamäleon I -
The discs and the wheels are adjustable in the heightand laterally
the discs are adjustable in the direction
harrow loses the driving line
addition at the front or at the back of the tractor possible
it is possible to use it behind the rotary cultivator
build the winter-dams and loose the driving line in one process
a dam is built after the milling
used for marking the asparagus row
to dam down the asparagus dams after the harvesting
to fight the weeds in new asparagus fields
by addition at the front of the tractor it can be used to pre-dam the asparagus dams
with hydraulic cylinder
Chamäleon II
stable supporting frame where the tools are fixed
with 4 height-adjustable discs
discs are turnable to all directions
for front and rear hydraulics
to use behind the rotary cultivator
2 supporting wheels adjustable over spindle
with 2 height-adjustable hoe frames
for mechanical weeds control