Hog Slat wet/dry hog feeders are available in welded or bolted options constructed of 16 gauge 304 stainless steel to provide outstanding corrosion resistance. Feed space dividers are constructed of 12 gauge stainless steel. Wet/dry feeders are available in 31”, 36” and 41” height options.
.Water nipples and feed in the same trough space allows pigs to consume both easily, increasing feed intake while reducing both feed and water waste
.Feed gate can be adjusted (Lever Loc & AccuCrank options available), allowing incremental changes to fine tune amounts on the feed shelf
.A two piece water pipe allows easy removal of the vertical pipe from the horizontal pipe. The horizontal water bar easily unbolts and slides out of the feeder body for cleaning or maintenance
.Available in 1 to 6 feeding space (1 water nipple per feeding space) double-sided configuration options