If the standard ventilation offered by a Venlo greenhouse is inadequate for your crop, the Cabrio greenhouse offers ventilation that will almost certainly exceed your requirements. Rather than relying on 2-pane or 3-pane ventilation windows, the entire roof of the Cabrio greenhouse from HORCONEX can be opened (just like a convertible sports car, also called a 'cabrio' in Dutch). This achieves maximum ventilation.
Hardening off plants
There is lively interest in the Cabrio greenhouse, particularly in the plant growing sector. The design of this greenhouse is perfect for hardening off plants. The crop can be exposed to the outside air in a controlled manner. While the greenhouse continues to offer protection against the effects of weather such as wind and hail, the plants can acclimatise to the drier and colder air outside. The Cabrio greenhouse gives you greater control over the hardening off process, which improves the quality of your plants.
Cabrio greenhouse optimisation
As a manufacturer and installer of complete horticulture projects, we can optimise the Cabrio greenhouse to suit all of your requirements. Not only does HORCONEX supply the greenhouse, all of the associated systems can be included in the project.