What are your requirements for the new seeding technology?
■ Précisé seed placement - as even germination increases yield potential.
■ High seeding speed - as perfect timing is essential.
■ Tolérance for seedbed conditions - as flexibility saves money.
How does the Pronto achieve such even germination?
■ Rotary harrow reliably produces fine earth even on the heaviest soils
■ Target consolidation with packer Systems that are adapted to the site guarantee optimum sowing conditions and a contact of the seed furrow to the water
■ The mounting of the TurboDisc coulters allows for vertical adjustment movement of up to 15 cm and ensures précisé contour following. Ail seeds are placed exactly at the specified depth.
■ 4 rubber éléments /coulters release a pressure of up to 120 kg, sufficient to reliably keep them in the ground at high speed.
■ The rubber wheel at the coulter-end ensures précisé seed depth and proper seed-to-soil contact.
Concept of the machine
■ Universal range of use after plough and for mulch sowing even on extremely heavy soils.
■ Seed unit and seed waggon are a self contained unit. Thus, the machine is very compact and, due to the missing axle of the seed waggon, much weight is transferred to the rear axle of the tractor. Thus, it is possible for the first time to pull a 6 m wide seed drill with rotary harrow with low horse power requirement and low slippage.
■ Single hopper with a capacity of 2 800 liter for a long range
■ Intensive cultivation due to p.t.o.-driven rotary harrow.
■ Effective consolidation in front of the seed coulters is made by a steel roller, the Cracker packer.