Hypochlorous Acid (PHA) is a natural and effective disinfectant, ideal for agricultural applications. It acts as a powerful antiseptic and germicide, eliminating bacteria, fungi and algae without being toxic or irritating. Its biodegradability makes it a safe option for water treatment in greenhouses and hydroponic systems. In addition, it oxidizes organic matter, improving water quality and creating a healthier environment for plant growth.
Our disinfection system is an on-site generator of pure hypochlorous acid (PHA), a state-of-the-art disinfectant that is continuously produced and automated. This system is not only easy to use, but also allows for remote automation, which significantly reduces operating costs and improves resource efficiency.
Ease of use
Low operating costs
Continuous production
Environmentally friendly
Low operating cost, easy handling and automation
24 hours / 365 days production
NaCl as precursor
Benefits of pure hypochlorous acid (PHA)
PHA is considered one of the most advanced and natural disinfectants available. Its properties include:
-Antiseptic and germicidal
-Biodegradable and non-toxic
-Stability in water
Excellent results, even in the nursery: In growing environments with microspray irrigation, an aseptic environment is created, helping to control the health of the environment. The appearance of biofilm on trays, tables and floors is also avoided.