AS Products Ltd. presents our high intensity output 110-volt and 230-volt AC model 50/60 Hz operating SeeBrite™ LED Lantern Lights. These LED lights are manufactured using IAS proprietary designed CE certified LED circuit boards assembled within two (2) standard model-housing sizes. Our unique LED circuit board designs offer the modular building block approach necessary to address specific customer lighting needs. Take advantage of IAS ability to manufacture either model SeeBrite™ LED Aquaculture Light to address changes required to physical light sizes, light outputs, and light operating frequencies for best photo maturation and control. Choose the best operating voltage, LED type, brightness, and the quantity of LEDs within a tough underwater fixture to address all your site applications.
Whether it is a stock LED light model or a specific product build, every model SeeBrite™ LED Lantern Light is provided with an onboard circuit board positioned microprocessor that expands IAS ability to set and control light output operating characteristics. Brighter, dimmer, strobe, random flash or slow ramp up to full brightness are all available control features IAS can incorporate into the light. As a starting point IAS offers a 2-minute ramp up to full brightness to avoid sudden shock or stress to fish when SeeBrite™ LED underwater lights are powered up. Beyond these light control features, our capability to build customer specific SeeBrite™ LED underwater lights is based on our modular building block approach.