Maraichere line consists of our low volume sprayers Diva and Supra Maraichere and is especially conceived for focused treatments on horticulture crops cultivated both on open field and in greenhouses, thanks to specific hydraulic booms they can be equipped with.
Differently from standard field sprayers, our Maraichere low volume sprayers use the air produced by their fan to micronize the liquid solution in very thin drops. In details, liquid solution is taken to spraying points (diffusers) at low pressure. There it crosses the air, which micronizes it creating a sort of fog that can better hang on leaves. Thanks to this system, not only can users work with low- and medium- volumes saving time and resources, but also coverage on vegetation is much better.
Indeed, such a thin micronitization allows liquid sprayed to better hang on leaves. At the same time, the air coming out from diffusers keeps moving them, making the liquid reach even the lowest and most hidden parts of plants.
As a result, users can carry out focused and uniform treatments with lower resources, with consequent economic and environmental benefits.