The SSR Subsoiler is used for deep soil cultivation. It reaches the lower layers of the soil, where it loosens the deep hard soil layer. In soil cultivated with the SSR Subsoiler, water can reach deep into the soil. As a result, the water holding and air permeability capacity of the soil increases, root development accelerates, and yield increases.
Powerful and Compact Design
A simple design that ensures ease of use, and a reinforced chassis suitable for use in difficult conditions.
Combined Design
After deeply cultivating the soil with specially produced blades, a perfect surface is obtained as a result of the soil breaking, compacting, and leveling operations using a double geared roller.
Easy Working Depth Adjustment
After adjusting the working depth of both the tines and the roller, the SSR Subsoiler is fixed at the desired working depth with pins.
Strong Tine Structure
SSR Subsoiler tines are produced for optimum strength and resistance to harsh conditions and impacts, ensuring long-term operation, even under difficult conditions.
Extra Weights for Extra Working Depth
Weights attached to the back of the tines increase the level of penetration, allowing deeper work.