Shallow tillage and still incorporate organic matter for availability as nutrient of next crop. Deep loosening shallow mixing.
To mix the soil shallow and intensively and to dig deep, Imants has developed the Eco-Mix spading machine in combination with the Culter subsoiler. In general the following can be said about tillage:
1. As little organic material as possible should be taken from the land. This means that plant residues should remain on the land as much as possible.
2. If organic material is present, it should preferably be mixed into the soil before it oxidizes and is released into the atmosphere. This careful mixing also allows air and water to flow freely which improves both air permeability and water holding capacity.
3. It is a good idea to press the soil again after careful mixing. This leads to the fact that the organic material does not oxidize so quickly and is converted by soil organisms into nutrients for soil life.
4. The root has a large share in the binding of carbon in the soil. Therefore, everything be done to give the root as much space as possible. This means especially that compacted layers often caused by heavy equipment removed and that the proper soil aggregates are formed. Fewer passes with machines ensure that there is less chance of compaction and, partly as a result better water infiltration.
Therefore we developped the Eco-Mix Culter combination.
Soil type
All soil types