The Imants 32 series spader is an ideal spading machine for smaller areas and smaller tractors. The spader is suitable for sand, loamy and light clay soils (recommended without crumbler roller on clay soils). The 32 series spading machine is a nicely compact and versatile spader that can be applied in many sectors. The machines can be fitted with a crumbler roller. So the primary tillage (spading) can be combined to make a seed bed.
Machine design
The spader works the soil by means of the spade shaft. On this shaft there are rows, each with a number of spade arms, the number of rows and spade arms depending on the machine and the working width.
The crumbler roller is fitted directly behind the spade shaft. The crumbler roller is a driven tube with hardened spring tines mounted on it. Because of this special design, the crumbler roller generates a perfectly compacted seed bed, levels the ground and incorporates the superficial organic matter, to name but a few of its effects.