ALKALIN K+Si is a liquid, high-alkaline (pH ≥ 13.5) foliar potassium fertilizer with silicon with protective properties.
ALKALIN is a range of specialized foliar fertilizers, which are characterized by high pH. Alkaline pH of fertilizer solutions activates the immune factors of plants and reduces fungal diseases development.
ALKALIN fertilizers differ in nutrient content and, thus, can be used at different stages of plant development. ALKALIN fertilizers provide the plants with necessary nutrients and at the same time, support plant protection. ALKALIN fertilizers are very useful in an integrated plant cultivation.
ALKALIN K+Si, due to the high potassium content, is particularly recommended for use in periods of increased demand for potassium and conditions of poor uptake of this component from the soil. ALKALIN K+Si also contains silicon, which strengthens the structure of the cell walls, thus increasing the resistance of plants to abiotic and biotic stresses.