SUPLEXAN ADEK PREMIUM is a composition of vitamins A, D3, E, K. Preparation supplements the animal diet with fat-soluble vitamins. Particularly recommended for supplementing the daily dose in a starter period, when these vitamins are essential for normal growth and development of natural immunity to diseases. The product is also recommended for laying hens feeding during hatching in order to adjust calcium levels and to improve shell hardness.
Indications for use:
recommended for use during starter period in poultry for best development of chicks
prevention of growth limitation and reduction of immunity
supplementation of diet in intensive breeding, based on the high energy diet rich in polyunsaturated fats
prevention of rachitis, bone and joint deformations
improvement of factors associated with fertility and egg yield
recommended for use in case of insufficient hardness of eggshells
recommended for use during antibiotic treatment and recovery after illness