HC80P is specialized "Powerful engine", "High performance" and "Easy operation" for continuous operation in severe field conditions. Maximum performance for every application is brought out from its high power and high quality.
1. Powerful Engine
High durability and reliability ISEKI engine made in Japan achieves high performance in any fields. ISEKI provides the technology of “Low fuel consumption” and “Low vibration at rated rpm” by developing own brand engine. 90L fuel tank also makes great efficiency for long continuous work.
2. Easy operation
This power steering lever achieves to adjust the height of reaping section and machine direction and to make a turn only this lever. It provides easy operation for all operator even in wet paddy field.
3. Heavy-duty traveling and cutting section
Wide and long crawler achieves great performance and stability of machinery even in deep fields. Our HC80P can work by high harvesting speed of 1.55m/s. High operability with power steering lever and integrated switch for controlling the height of the reel.
4. Excellent threshing and separation ability
To achieve the high threshing capacity, ISEKI provides large threshing drum(620x1800mm) and great threshing chamber increased the volume. Feed drum attached the reverse mechanism to remove stuck rice stems when needed swiftly.
Wide and long grain sieve designed to handle for high –accuracy separation. Three air flues are available for excellent separation.