ISEKI rice-transplanter "NP Series" is designed and developed to meet a variety of the requirement of professional farmers. This series inherits good points of the previous series, and improves many points such as easier operation and higher performance. In addition to 6 planting rows model, this series has efficient 8 planting rows model, which meets especially large-scale farmers' demand.
There are two kinds of engine types, diesel and gasoline. 24.5 hp diesel engine has high torque and high power. Its maximum planting speed is 1.86m/s, which leads to efficient operation. Its power generate strong power even when its engine rotation is low. Low fuel consumption is also an advantageous point of diesel engine.
Compared to diesel engine, gasoline engine is light and compact, which is suitable to the operation especially in mulch field. Its maximum planting speed is 1.80m/s, which is faster than the previous model.
Edge planting switch
When the edge planting switch is ON while the machine is stopping, planting arms move and plant seedlings once on the spot. Seedlings can be planted from the just front of the edge of the rice field. Because of no lack of seedlings near the edge of the field, which leads to yield increase and higher efficiency.
DX rotor
DX rotor makes the bumps of the ground surface flat while the operator planting seedlings. The height of DX rotor is easily adjustable by a dial switch.
DX shift
Speed, engine rotation and up and down of planting unit can be controlled by this one shift lever.