Feed pushing is not your job anymore
Healthier cows and high yield milk
Fully automatic feed pushing robot presented by I-TECH ROBOTICS, I- BOLD
- It pushes and ventilates your feed on the feed road in the direction of your cows as you choose and along the path you prefer.
- This working model makes sure that your cows have access to and consume fresh, high-quality feed for all day long.
- As a result, your cows’ rumen health and farm comfort will improve, which raises milk yield and reduces costs.
- I-BOLD contributes to farms of all sizes.
- Increase in animal health
- Increase in milk yield up to 3%.
- Investment payback period of 1 to 4 years
- Labor cost saving up to 70 thousand TL
- It can work up to 13 hours (5 hours total charging time) per day
- Suitable for all linear farms
- Programmable drive and adaptive speed control hardware
- Feed pushing between different barns can be done with a single I-BOLD
- Increase in feeding frequency of cows