With a minimum investment, this kind of trolleys are the best solution for the milking in the small and medium herd, and in several times, it becomes into the first step to a fix installation.
Because of their functional characters, our trolleys are designed for a daily milking with the
highest performances, which guarantee health for the udder of the animal and high quality for
the milk.
Because of their ergonomie design and weight, these trolleys are very easy to transport with the mimimum effort. We offer all kind of milking trolleys with dry mono block or oiling vacuum pumps, and with electrical or gas motor or both.
We offer our milking trolleys with transparent, stainless steel or aluminium buckets, and
include a vacuum balance tank, glycerine-filled vacuum gauge, pneumatic pulsator and vacuum regulator with pre-air filter. Availables with 1 or 2 milking clusters with our Big Ligero milk claw with capacity of 350 cm3.