Japa® 315 is an excellent choice for shared use or part-time contract work. The processor is equipped with a log feed and splitting mechanism that minimises pusher movements. This makes cutting logs faster, shorter logs, in particular. The new pusher design facilitates the splitting of all log sizes, and the new blade is easier to use and adjust.
Safe and easy to move
Japa® 315 offers extensive features and high capacity in a compact, mobile unit. We increased its capacity – the maximum log diameter is now 31 cm and length 50 cm.
Reliability, user comfort and safety were our priorities when designing this model. The re-designed Japa® 315 meets all the current safety standards, and its active safety grills improve visibility inside the machine, making it easier to use. All the guards have been designed so as to ensure maximum visibility inside the processor, which makes, for example, maintaining the blade easy.