The Jiffy Pot first came onto the market in the 1950’s and since then it is not an exaggeration to say it has revolutionized global retail growing. The Jiffy Pot Original is the “classic” version of the Jiffy Pot.
Fast, easy, money-saving, compostable and organic-approved. Jiffy Pot Original is the go-to solution for all professional growers seeking pots, strips (pots joined together in strips) and poly-packs for an extremely wide range of growing applications.
•Home compostable
•Saving time
The Jiffy Pot Original is also 100% home-compostable and approved for organic production.
They are also well-suited to mechanical handling thanks to newly-added de-stacking features.
No chemicals are used during the manufacture of Jiffy Pots, which makes them the number-one choice for food crops.