Our top-choice red carrot. Conventional seed with NOP-compliant pelleting.
A standout for yield and reliability. Bolt resistance for earlier sowing. Strong, disease-resistant tops. Uniform 7–8" long, semi-blunted roots with a small core. Long roots, healthy tops, and good eating quality. Red color intensifies in cooler soils and when cooked. High resistance to Alternaria blight and powdery mildew. Nantes x Imperator type. Avg. 17,300 seeds/lb. Packet: 250 seeds.
Daucus carota var. sativus
Carrots require well-drained soils, with a pH range of 6.0–6.8. Deep, loose, and fertile sandy loams and peat soils with good moisture-holding capacity grow the straightest and smoothest roots. Pelleted seed requires a little extra attention when it comes to watering, as it performs best with consistent, moderate soil moisture throughout the germination period. An initial watering will split or dissolve the pellet, but if the soil is allowed to dry out before the germination period is over, the seed may receive insufficient moisture for optimal germination.
Sow from early spring to midsummer, ¾" apart , ¼– ½" deep, in 2" wide band (about 16 pellets/ft.), or single rows 16–24" apart. For minimum soil compaction, use raised beds with 2 or 3 rows 16–24" apart, beds 5–6' on center. Sprinkle the soil surface to keep moist. Don't allow soil to crust before the emergence of seedlings which takes 1–3 weeks, depending on temperature and moisture. If necessary, thin young seedlings to ¾–2" apart, depending on type or root size desired. Keep weed-free by tine weeding and shallow hoeing. To prevent greening, cover exposed crowns.