For young piglets, lactose is an essential source of energy. In piglet feed, whey powders are commonly used as a lactose source. Worldwide, many different types are available. Nutrient levels of whey powder fluctuate as this is a by-product of cheese production.
As a stable and safe alternative, Joosten offers Sweelac. Sweelac is a formulated product based on the nutritional advantages of whey powder, while eliminating the disadvantages.
Due to its stable lactose level combined with high digestible protein, Sweelac is an ideal ingredient for producing premium feed for young piglets. Excellent taste and convenient mixing properties make Sweelac your product of choice.
Sweelac is a dairy-based concentrate, providing easily digestible protein, lactose and essential amino acids. Sweelac is designed to be included in pre- and post-weaning diets up to 25 kg body weight. In order to meet the lactose requirements during the different stages of a piglet’s life, we recommend including 15% Sweelac in creep, 10% in weaner and 7.5% in starter feed.