Furrow cultivators with spring S2000 from Kariotakis company is an ideal machine for cultivating row crops.
Using furrow cultivator S2000 you will achieved not only the cultivation of soil between rows so as to remove all intermediate weeds and will help the plant to breathe but also the area ventilated around the root of the plant.
> At the S2000 models you can add fertilizer hopper in various sizes for simultaneous lubrication with the cultivation
> The great height under the frame gives the advantage to the machine to be able to work without fear of destruction or injury of plants.
> With the S2000 cultivator you will avoid any long and costly job as the carving is being done very quickly, easily and economically. In the S2000 furrow cultivators the arms are adapted to different cultivations and can be easily adjusted simply by moving arms and adjusting the distance between them